For some reason people have no limits. They build until they touch the sky and still aim higher or destroy that which they obtained just by clapping their hands without any real merit for it. I don’t know about the first because they are as rare as the phoenix (did anyone see one??) but the second I do know.. and I know them so well.. Their jabberish talk can be heard from miles without even pricking up one’s ear. It is only at their will that paradoxes become irrefutable truths and their jinks fall as rocks on the quiet waters of the soul. Among their fellow comrades they are like fish in the ocean and as long as someone lends them an ear they would explain the secrets of the universe which they discovered through their initiating mission of emptying the sea with a teaspoon. How far can they go?? As far as you let them go some may say. But as I mentioned before limits are in this case arbitrary and rules are just not for them. Not even themselves can set rules that they can obey. And what can you do when you become part of their ambiguous relative world? Run as fast as you can and just let them be. You wouldn’t want to stay in the way of their happiness would you?